Plantilla:GeoTemplate - Viquipèdia


De Viquipèdia

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Amb les coordenades geogràfiques WGS84 en podreu trobar mapes i dades sobre la localització en la Terra:

Title {title} (All coordinates)
Coordenades {latdegabs}° {latminint}′ {latsecdec}″ {latNS}, {londegabs}° {lonminint}′ {lonsecdec}″ {lonEW} Valor decimal {latdegdec}°, {londegdec}°
UTM {utmnorthing} {utmeasting} {utmzone}
Zoom {zoom} Scale ± 1:{scale}
Region {region} Type {type}

[edita] Sistemes globals

  • Mapeja aquest lloc amb el GPS Visualizer [20]. L'hiperenllaç duu a un formulari en el que es poden col·locar diverses opcions

[edita] Programari extern de mapatge

[edita] Sistemes amb dades de la Viquipèdia

català, francès, holandès, italià, japonès, polonès, portuguès, rus, suec.

[edita] Altres sistemes amb aspectes Wiki

[edita] Mapes quasi a temps real

[edita] Mapes GIS

[edita] Indirecte

  • Maporama Mapes de carretera i rutes amb vehicle.

[edita] Amèrica del Nord

[edita] Canadà

[edita] (Canadà) Indirecte

  • National Atlas of Canada Interactive map of Canada with topographic maps, satellite and landform imagery down to 1:20,000 scale.

[edita] EUA

[edita] Europa A-M

[edita] Alemanya

[edita] Àustria

[edita] Dinamarca

  • Find this location on Findvej.dk. As above, but with backlinks to Wikipedia articles in the Danish Wikipedia.

[edita] (Dinamarca) Indirecte

[edita] Eslovènia

[edita] (Eslovènia només) Indirecte

[edita] Espanya

[edita] Finlàndia

  • Find this location on National Land Survey of Finland MapSite. Topographical maps of Finland searchable by address, placename, Finnish coordinates, and EUREF89 latitude/longitude. [41]

[edita] França

[edita] Gran Bretanya

{osgb36ref} on the British national grid reference system (note: this excludes Northern Ireland, which uses the Irish national grid reference system)

  • Find this location in the UK Government's MAGIC tool. (provides OS mapping at 1:10,000 and overlays)

[edita] (Illes Fèroe) Indirecte

[edita] (Islàndia) Indirecte

Landmælingar Íslands black and white satilite images. Landmælingar Íslands maps.

[edita] Itàlia

[edita] Europa N-Z

[edita] Noruega

[edita] (Noruega) Indirecte

  • Visveg. Roads and some topography, route planner.
  • WebAtlas. Roads, aerial photos and some topography.
  • Finn.no. Roads and aerial photos.

[edita] Polònia

[edita] República Txeca

[edita] Rússia

  • Find this location on Kosmosnimki [50]. Satellite imagery of central Russia (Moscow and Kaluga Oblasts as yet).

[edita] Suècia

  • Find this location on Eniro. Roads and topography, route planner, aerial imagery and combination of aerial imagery and roads. [51]

[edita] (Suècia) Indirecte

[edita] Suïssa

{ch1903easting} / {ch1903northing} on the Swiss Grid

  • Find this location on MySwitzerland.com, tourism information (with Teleatlas/Endoxon maps and satellite images) [55]
  • For the Cantons of St. Gallen, Appenzell Innerrhoden and Ausserrhoden:

[edita] (Europa) Indirecte

[edita] Oceania

[edita] Austràlia

[edita] (Austràlia) Indirecte

  • SIX - New South Wales - Topographic and road plus aerial photography
  • LIST - Tasmania - Topographic, tourist and property maps

[edita] Nova Zelanda

[edita] Indirect (New Zealand)

  • NZTopoOnline - Topographic maps covering all of New Zealand

[edita] Àsia

[edita] Índia

[edita] (Índia) Indirecte

  • MapMyIndia All India interactive map with directions.
  • Maptell All India Rail, Road and State maps.

[edita] Japó

The following sites use WGS84 map.

The following sites use Tokyo Datum map. If the given coordinate is based on WGS84, the point shown on those sites will be about 450 meter northwest of the real point.

[edita] Taiwan

[edita] Xina

[edita] (Xina) Indirecte

[edita] Sud-Amèrica

[edita] Brasil

[edita] (Xile) Indirecte

[edita] Other location-based information

[edita] Map sources without direct links

Some of these services have provision for manual navigation by coordinates, in which case this information may be useful:

Degrees, minutes, seconds latitude and longitude: {latdegabs}° {latminint}′ {latsecdec}″ {latNS} {londegabs}° {lonminint}′ {lonsecdec}″ {lonEW} WGS84
Degrees, minutes latitude and longitude: {latdegabs}° {latmindec}′ {latNS} {londegabs}° {lonmindec}′ {lonEW} WGS84
Decimal degrees latitude and longitude
(also a Geo microformat ):
{latdegdec}° {londegdec}° WGS84
UTM Northing, Easting and zone: {utmnorthing} {utmeasting} {utmzone} WGS84
UK Ordnance Survey: {osgb36ref} Airy 1830
Switzerland CH1903; Easting, Northing: {ch1903easting} {ch1903northing} Bessel 1841
New Zealand NZTM; Easting, Northing: {nztmeasting} {nztmnorthing} NZGD2000
wiki {{coord}} inline display {{coord|{latdegdec}|{londegdec}|type:_region:|display=inline}} WGS84
wiki {{coord}} title display {{coord|{latdegdec}|{londegdec}|type:_region:|display=title}} WGS84
wiki {{coord}} dual display {{coord|{latdegdec}|{londegdec}|type:_region:|display=inline,title}} WGS84
wiki dms {{coor at dms|{latdegabs}|{latminint}|{latsecdec}|{latNS}|{londegabs}|{lonminint}|{lonsecdec}|{lonEW}|type:_region:}} WGS84

Coordinates listed as datum WGS84 will also be valid for NAD83 and EU89.

[edita] Sunrise and sunset

[edita] Geocaching

[edita] Timezone

[edita] Amateur radio

  • www.echolink.org Get nearest Echolink gateway - a global amateur radio VoIP network
  • www.findu.com Display nearest Stations using APRS - an Amateur Radio based automatic position reporting system.

[edita] Història

[edita] Fotografia

[edita] Mark-up

This mark-up is provided for use in other websites. Please use the relevant template (e.g. {{coord}}) or infobox to add coordinates to articles in Wikipedia.

Geo microformat (simple) <span class="geo">{latdegdec};{londegdec}</span>
Geo microformat (verbose) <span class="geo"><span class="latitude">{latdegdec}</span>, <span class="longitude">{londegdec}</span></span>
ICBM <meta name="ICBM" content="{latdegdec}, {londegdec}">
geo.position <meta name="geo.position" content="{latdegdec}; {londegdec}">
GeoTags geotagged


[edita] Vegeu també