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Mury - Viquip??dia


De Viquip??dia

Jacek Kaczmarski, 1994
Jacek Kaczmarski, 1994

Mury (Murs) ??s una can???? protesta escrita pel polon??s Jacek Kaczmarski en 1978. Va esdevenir un s??mbol d' oposici?? al r??gim comunista de la Pol??nia dels 80. Els treballadors de Solidarno???? la van popularitzar en fer-la el seu himne.

Taula de continguts

[edita] Inspiraci??

Mury, escrita per Kaczmarski en 1978, estava inspirada en els esdeveniments que succe??en a la Catalunya contempor??nia, que abandonava el franquisme, i especialment en L'Estaca de Llu??s Llach, de qui agafa no sols la melodia sin?? tamb?? la met??fora d' un poble que lluita contra un mur/estaca totpoderosa. la intenci?? de Kaczmarski era la de mostrar com una can???? podia ser 'furtada' al seu autor per unes masses que la farien seua, adaptant-la a la seua lluita, fins i tot si esta no era la intenci?? inicial del autor. En aquest context, es pot interpretar la can????, per una banda, com una alaban??a a la lluita per la independ??ncia dels catalans com, d' altra banda, una cr??tica a certs aspectes dels moviments socials de masses.[1]

[edita] Himne de Solidarno????

Malgrat el seu pesimisme (A mury ros??y, ros??y???, "i els murs creixen i creixen... ") i la cr??tica del autor als moviments socials, acusant-los de 'furtar' les lletres, el missatge de la lluita per la independ??ncia i contra la tirania de Mury varen fer que r??pidament fora considerada una can???? protesta . Popularitzada pels treballadors i estudiants, esdevingu?? l' himne ofici??s de Solidarno????. la seua tornada (Wyrwij murom z??by krat!) va ser la cunya de l' al??legal Radio Solidarno????.[1]

[edita] Lletres en polon??s i angl??s

Mury (Walls)
On natchniony i m??ody by??, ich nie policzy??by nikt He had youth and vision, they were a legion
On im dodawa?? pie??ni?? si??, ??piewa?? ??e blisko ju?? ??wit. He aided them with the song, singing of a nearing dawn.
??wiec tysi??ce palili mu, znad g????w podnosi?? si?? dym, They lit a thousand candles for him, smoke over their heads,
??piewa??, ??e czas by run???? mur??? He sang that it was time for the wall to fall,
Oni ??piewali wraz z nim: They sang together with him:
Wyrwij murom z??by krat! Pull the bars from the walls!
Zerwij kajdany, po??am bat! Loose the chains, break the whip!
A mury run??, run??, run?? And the walls will fall, fall fall!
I pogrzebi?? stary ??wiat! And will bury the old world!
Wkr??tce na pami???? znali pie???? i sama melodia bez s????w Soon they knew the song and melody by heart
Nios??a ze sob?? star?? tre????, dreszcze na wskro?? serc i g????w. Carried the old words, shivers of heart and heads.
??piewali wi??c, klaskali w rytm, jak wystrza?? poklask ich brzmia??, So they sung, the clapped to the rhythm, sounding like gunshots,
I ci????y?? ??a??cuch, zwleka?? ??wit??? And the chain was a burden, delayed was the dawn???
On wci???? ??piewa?? i gra??: And he still sung and played:
Wyrwij murom z??by krat! Pull the bars from the walls!
A?? zobaczyli ilu ich, poczuli si???? i czas, And they saw their numbers, they felt the strength and the moment,
I z pie??ni??, ??e ju?? blisko ??wit szli ulicami miast; And with the song that the dawn is near, they marched into the streets;,
Zwalali pomniki i rwali bruk - Ten z nami! Ten przeciw nam! They destroyed the monuments and cried out ??? He is with us! He is against us!
Kto sam ten nasz najgorszy wr??g! Who's alone he is our worst enemy!
A ??piewak tak??e by?? sam. And the singer was also alone.
Wyrwij murom z??by krat! Pull the bars from the walls!
Patrzy?? na r??wny t??um??w marsz, He looked at the steadily marching crowds,
Milcza?? ws??uchany w krok??w huk, In silence he listened to the thunder of their steps,
A mury ros??y, ros??y, ros??y And the walls grew, grew, grew
??a??cuch ko??ysa?? si?? u n??g??? The chain still bouncing at their feet???

[edita] Refer??ncies

  1. ??? 1,0 1,1 Interview with Kaczmarski on 18 October 1987, originally published by the journal INDEKS, featured on Jacek Kaczmarski homepage

[edita] Vegeu Tamb??

[edita] Enlla??os externs