Plantilla:Infotaula d'antic estat - Viquipèdia

Plantilla:Infotaula d'antic estat

De Viquipèdia

Article inacabat!
Un (o més d'un) viquipedista treballa en l'edició de la present entrada, per la qual cosa és possible que trobeu defectes de contingut o de forma: a fi de coordinar la redacció, contacteu amb els col·laboradors més recents amb un missatge a la pàgina de discussió de l'article en qüestió abans de realitzar modificacions o substitucions importants.

El seu ús és temporal mentre l'usuari estigui editant l'article. No us oblideu de treure l'avís un cop estigui acabat, o bé es podrà treure després d'uns dies d'inactivitat.

This infobox is under constant development.
Since there are so many different types of former states, modifications are always required to fit this template to suit the article. If you are having trouble with a particular article, leave a message on the template talk page.

[[{{{year_start}}}]] – [[{{{year_end}}}]]
Bandera Escut
Flag Coat of arms
Location of {{{common_name}}}
Capital {{{capital}}}
Capital a l'exili {{{capital_exile}}}
Idiomes {{{common_languages}}}
Religió {{{religion}}}
Govern Not specified
 - {{{year_leader1}}} {{{leader1}}}
 - {{{year_leader2}}} {{{leader2}}}
 - {{{year_leader3}}} {{{leader3}}}
 - {{{year_leader4}}} {{{leader4}}}
 - {{{year_representative1}}} {{{representative1}}}
 - {{{year_representative2}}} {{{representative2}}}
 - {{{year_representative3}}} {{{representative3}}}
 - {{{year_representative4}}} {{{representative4}}}
 - {{{year_deputy1}}} {{{deputy1}}}
 - {{{year_deputy2}}} {{{deputy2}}}
 - {{{year_deputy3}}} {{{deputy3}}}
 - {{{year_deputy4}}} {{{deputy4}}}
Legislatura {{{legislature}}}
 - {{{type_house1}}} {{{house1}}}
 - {{{type_house2}}} {{{house2}}}
 - {{{event_pre}}} {{{date_pre}}}
 - {{{event_start}}} {{{date_start}}}
 - {{{event1}}} {{{date_event1}}}
 - {{{event2}}} {{{date_event2}}}
 - {{{event3}}} {{{date_event3}}}
 - {{{event4}}} {{{date_event4}}}
 - {{{event_end}}} {{{date_end}}}
 - {{{event_post}}} {{{date_post}}}
Moneda {{{currency}}}

This infobox is a part of WikiProject Former countries.

[edita] Important notes for anyone using this template

  2. See template talk page for syntax.
  3. Almost all fields are optional, some fields are more optional than others. It is not expected that you fill in every single field that is shown here.
  4. Some fields are hidden but necessary for infobox functionality. Not all fields are displayed here.
  5. If a state has a high number of leaders (>5), do not modify this template to fit them all in. It is not the intention of this infobox to do them all - that makes the infobox way too big (any extra slots added here without previous discussion will be reverted). Instead, list only the first and last title holder, with (first) or (last) placed after the person's name.
  6. Some fields place the article into certian categories: see list of supported categories.
  7. Area (in km2) and population statistics must be given without spaces, commas or other code.
  8. Keep event text as short as possible - ideally only 1 line in length.
  9. For many entries, the infobox has been implemented by one of the main developers. Other users are welcome to implement the infobox themselves, but developers might make modifications later on - largely for functionality reasons.
  10. If you are unsure about the usage of this template, or if you want to know why a certain modification was made, let us know via the template talk page. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving and documenting infobox features.