David Held
De Viquip??dia
David Held (1951) ??s un soci??leg angl??s, professor de Pol??tica i Sociologia de la Open University i catedr??tic de Ci??ncia Pol??tica en la c??tedra Graham Wallace de ci??ncies pol??tiques en la London School of Economics.
Es va formar en Gran Bretanya, Fran??a i Estats Units. Fou cofundador de l'editorial Polity, especialitzada en temes de ci??ncies socials i humanitats.
[edita] Obres principals
- Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas (1989)
- Models of Democracy (1987), fully revised 2nd edition (1996), 3a edici?? (2006)
- Political Theory and the Modern State (1989)
- Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance (1995)
- Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture, co-autor (1999)
- Globalization/Anti-Globalization co-autor (2002), 2a edici?? (2007)
- Cosmopolitanism: A Defence (2003)
- Global Covenant: The Social Democratic Alternative to the Washington Consensus (2004)
[edita] Enlla??os externs
- P??gina al LSE (angl??s)