John Dewey
De Viquip??dia
John Dewey (1859-1952) va ??sser un fil??sof i pedagog estatunidenc. En la l??nia pragm??tica de William James i el seu m??tode, la filosofia de Dewey ??s una aplicaci?? del m??tode cient??fic a la filosofia. La base de la seva pedagogia ??s l'educaci?? per l'acci??. Les seves concepcions sobre sociabilitzaci?? i educaci?? social han exercit una gran influ??ncia en la pedagogia contempor??nia, especialment entre els educadors adscrits al moviment de l'escola nova.
Taula de continguts |
[edita] Obres principals
- "The New Psychology." Andover Review, 2, 278-289 (1884) [1]
- "The Ego as Cause" Philosophical Review, 3,337-341. (1894) [2]
- "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology" (1896)
- My Pedagogic Creed (1897)
- L'infant i el curr??culum (1902)
- "The Postulate of Immediate Empiricism" (1905)
- "Democracy and Education" (1916)
- Com pensem (1910)
- La Reconstrucci?? en la Filosofia (1919)
- Naturalesa humana i conducta (1922)
- The Public and its Problems (1927)
- La recerca de la certitud (1929)
- Experi??ncia i naturalesa(1929)
- El vell i el nou individualisme (1930)
- Filosofia i civilitzaci?? (1931)
- L'art com a experi??ncia(1934)
- Una fe comuna (1934)
- Liberalisme i Acci?? social (1935)
- Experi??ncia i educaci?? (1938)
- L??gica: la teoria de la investigaci?? (1938)
- Llibertat i cultura (1939)
- Coneixent i all?? conegut (1949) (amb Arthur Bentley) [3]
2 antologies de les obres de Dewey s??n a l'abast del p??blic:
The Essential Dewey: Volumes 1 and 2. Editat per Larry Hickman i Thomas Alexander. (1998). Indiana University Press.
The Philosophy of John Dewey. Editat per John J. McDermott. (1981). University of Chicago Press.
Els textos complets de Dewey s??n recollits en 3 col??leccions (compostes per 37 volums en total) des de la seg??ent p??gina web: Southern Illinois University Press:
The Early Works: 1892-1898 (5 volums)
The Middle Works: 1899-1924 (15 volums)
The Later Works: 1925-1953 (17 volums)
La Correspond??ncia de John Dewey (en 3 volums) es pot consultar a
[edita] Obres sobre Dewey
- Boisvert, Raymond. John Dewey: Rethinking Our Time. (1997). SUNY Press.
- Campbell, James. "Understanding John Dewey: Nature and Cooperative Intelligence". (1995) Open Court Publishing Company.
- Hickman, Larry A. "John Dewey's Pragmatic Technology". (1992) Indiana University Press.
- Martin, Jay. The Education of John Dewey. (2003). Columbia University Press.
- Rockefeller, Stephen. John Dewey: Religious Faith and Democratic Humanism. (1994). Columbia University Press
- Roth, Robert J. John Dewey and Self-Realization. (1962). Prentice Hall.
- Ryan, Alan. John Dewey and the High Time of American Liberalism. (1995). W.W. Norton.
- Sleeper, R.W. "The Necessity of Pragmatism: John Dewey's Conception of Philosophy". Introduction by Tom Burke. (2001) University of Illinois Press.
- Westbrook, Robert B. John Dewey and American Democracy. (1991). Cornell University Press.
- Morton White. The Origin of Dewey's Instrumentalism. (1943). Columbia University Press.
- Caspary, William R. Dewey on Democracy. (2000). Cornell University Press.
- Seigfried, Charlene Haddock. Feminist Interpretations of John Dewey (2001). Penn State University Press.
- Shook, John. Dewey's Empirical Theory of Knowledge and Reality. (2000). The Vanderbilt Library of American Philosophy
[edita] Vegeu tamb??
- Dewey Commission
- Laboratory school
- Academy at Charlemont
[edita] Enlla??os externs
- Center for Dewey Studies
- John Dewey Society
- Democracy and Education (WikiSource)
- Excerpts from Experience and Nature (pdf file)
- Impressions of Soviet Russia
- Small site on John Dewey
- John Dewey Papers at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- a website dedicated to the transactional view of Dewey and Arthur Bentley
- Information about John Dewey and F. Mathias Alexander
- More information about John Dewey and F. Mathias Alexander
- Otter Valley Experiential High School -- A Brandon, Vermont high school based on Experiential Learning
- The Children's School of Oak Park - A Progressive Education elementary school in Oak Park, Illinois
- The Academy at Charlemont - A classical and community based Progressive Education high school in Charlemont, MA
- City & Country School located in NYC, for children ages 2-13, founded in 1914 by the pioneering educator, Caroline Pratt.
- Article on Dewey's Moral Philosophy in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Dewey page from Pragmatism Cybrary