SOS Pakistan prepare to send food parcels — SOS Emergency Appeal

SOS Pakistan prepare to send food parcels

Aug 18, 2010 09:50 AM

Latest update from the Pakistan flooding appeal. SOS Pakistan is preparing to send food packages to children in affected areas. 18 August 2010.

Pakistan flood boyPakistan flood update 18 August 2010 - Preparation of food parcels

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Following our decision to deliver 100,000 food packages to those worst affected in flood-ravaged Pakistan, SOS Children Pakistan is ready to purchase the first load of basic supplies (please see the below list) within the next few days.

Of course, many aid organisations are currently purchasing from the local market and it might be that some goods will run out shortly. There is already a shortage of fuel. NGOs are making arrangements for the transport of goods though rented trucks.

SOS Children Pakistan has arranged with Concerned Citizens of Pakistan (CCP) that we will provide the goods and they will transport and take responsibility for the distribution. Transportation will be done with rented trucks. We are also in contact with other reliable NGOs who will be able to guarantee that the supplies reach those in need. First, we will concentrate on the packages which contain basic supplies (food and sanitary goods). We will then decide if we will also purchase drugs, according to the need.

According to our collagues, there are many medical teams providing aid out in the field, so SOS Children Pakistan will ensure that drug supplies are made as required. We are also exploring the possiblity of working with the army as they are the best informed and equipped to handle emergencies. We are also in contact with UNICEF who – as the national office of SOS CV Pakistan – are also based in Lahore. Details on possible cooperation are not available yet.

Contents of food parcels

Out of interest, here is the content list for the £13 food parcels for Pakistan flood victims which we are requesting funds:

With 22 Rs spent on packaging this comes to 1700 Rs per family box which is around £13.

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