Previous Emergency Appeals — SOS Emergency Appeal

Previous Emergency Appeals

Quite a record in Emergency ReliefGirl refugee friends in Damascus

Despite emergency relief not being our core work, the track record which we have of responding to natural disasters and conflict emergencies is (when you put it together and think about it) something of which we should be proud. In recent times following both the 2004 Asian Tsunami and the 2005 Kashmir Earthquake we quickly ended up in charge of all the lone children (and in Pakistan to this day we are the only organization licensed by the governments to care for the earthquake orphans).

And because we concentrate on the lone children, when natural disasters leave orphans often we end up staying to look after them. In both of Kashmir and post tsunami we have ended up building new villages and in many other cases (like with the former child soldiers in Gulu in Uganda) we set up an emergency relief project which in time becomes a permanent SOS Children's Village. 

So if you ever wondered who carries on loving the child bereaved who briefly make it on the news and into our hearts it is us. We are there long after the TV cameras have left. We may not get as much footage as the people who share the flight our and back with the journalists but we certainly get a warm feeling from it.




- La Sacra Bibbia

- Alighieri - La Divina Commedia


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