Child sponsorship letter from Gulu, Uganda — Sponsor a Child

Child sponsorship letter from Gulu, Uganda

An example child sponsorship letter from Gulu, Uganda:

Dear Sponsors,

Day Care at the SOS Social Centre Gulu UgandaIt is interesting how time flies and before we know it, summer is already here and as always we glad that you are still part of our SOS family. We are happy to share with you the news of what has been happening at SOS Children's Village Gulu in our first half of 2010. We hope that it will make your summer a fulfilled one!

Mother’s training

In October last year, six SOS mother trainees travelled to the Regional Training and Resource Centre (RTRC) in Nairobi Kenya to attend a three-month basic skills training to improve their skills in child care. This training lasted until December and it was recently concluded in Uganda at SOS Children’s Villages Entebbe where they had two weeks of training to complete the syllabus. Later it was climaxed with a graduation for all the trainees. The mothers had wonderful experiences during their stays in Nairobi and Entebbe.

For some mother trainees, it was their first time to travel outside Uganda. They met their colleagues from different SOS Children’s Villages in East Africa, socialized and shared much about their cultures. They gained new skills in the practical aspects of child care and life skills, which they say has helped them greatly to understand more about their work. They already have started applying their new knowledge and skills within their SOS families. One mother confessed that this training has helped her learn to accept and appreciate children from totally different backgrounds, respecting their cultures and values which indeed have made her become a better mother.

SOS Medical Centre updates

The medical centre has continued to offer its best health services to the children’s village and to the nearby community as the services get better each time. Apparently, immunization, HIV/Aids Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT), Family Health Education with the SOS Children’s families, community out each programmes are among the services offered. The community embraced the facility enthusiastically that many now prefer receiving treatment from this medical centre than that of the government hospitals which they think has long queues. To this, the medical centre receives an average of 45-60 patients per day who always leave with a smile because they feel fully attended to.

The SOS Nursery grows

Boys coming home from school, Gulu, UgandaAt the opening of the SOS Nursery in 2009 with only 3 teachers and slightly above 10 children, it was hard to tell whether the surrounding community would embrace and appreciate the services this institution would bring into the lives of their children. Majority of the children from the SOS Village were already studying in elementary school and therefore just a few were left attending nursery. Consequently there was need for more children from the community to benefit from the education service. Thankfully, the capability and innovativeness of the head teacher and her team made it easier for the school to attract more children.

There are lots of play materials and a number of activities like storytelling, painting, modelling, singing, dancing, social etiquette talks, outdoor and indoor activities which many of the parents had failed to find elsewhere. The nursery is now operating at full capacity with six teachers, two volunteers and over 100 children. There are four classes with the youngest class, known as the ‘Creche’ Class. It’s basically a play group. The new initiative is intended to support working parents in the community, who have very young children of 2 ½ yrs or below. Many of the parents of these children are full of praise for the nursery as they see that their children are progressing well.

SOS Children’s Resource Centre opens

To meet the growing educational needs of the children, a resource centre was recently opened at SOS Children’s Village Gulu, thanks to the support of several organizations like UNICEF, Vision in Action, Gulu Rotary Club among others, who donated books, a computer and bookshelves. This facility was opened by the district education officer, and in his speech he was full of praises for it, as it will not only be accessed by the children living in the SOS Village but also the nearby community of Gulu municipality. Shortly after the opening many children turned up to read books of their interest - a sign that this was a service they were missing. The resource centre will go a long way in uplifting the level of education for children and in helping them to develop a reading culture which they are already enthusiastically exhibiting.

We have always been grateful for your support and will forever be. We wish you a happy time through out this summer.

Yours sincerely,

SOS Children's Village Gulu


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