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Child sponsorship letter from Valle de Angeles, Honduras — Sponsor a Child

Child sponsorship letter from Valle de Angeles, Honduras

An example child sponsorship letter from Valle de Angeles, Honduras:

Dear Sponsor,

Child from Valle de Angeles, HondurasReceive best and warm greetings on behalf of all SOS families in the Village Valle de Angeles- Honduras, it is for me first time and to share some news related with the children and young living here.

At present year the population in this village is 100 between children, girls and young women, of them 33 are young, from them 12 are young girls and 21 are young boys, all of them belong to the SOS Youth Home and 67 are smaller that they belong to the Children Village, all of them enjoy good conditions of health and live with a lot of safety and harmony in their homes.

We are to half of the year and in Honduras the rainy season begins from May, in June the occasional rains are not rare, since though in our country only two stations happen; summer and winter, we have more raining especially in October and November.  In case of the Village, it has not been the exception, it is situated is a zone of mountain even though there is called a valley, it is placed between forests of pines; clouded in the mornings, always preserve green and attractive place.  As measure of precaution, we are repairing the ceilings of the homes in order to prevent that the rain increases the dampness of the houses, to knowing of that the children, girls and young with we work need special cares, in that way avoid any risk of respiratory infections.

Nevertheless, the work that the mothers and aunts realize is admirable, as well as the time, the dedication and care that they put in doing it, taking care of their during the nights and of any detail, not only we entrust our village in God every day, also we are doing our efforts developing activities in order we could to get founds and looking financial support so in that way we can continue forward.

The environment of the village is full of expectations and of anxiety, before so many ideas that there raises the incorporation of the new director, there are done efforts that take the good intention of strengthening the work that one has come realizing, with the intention of stimulating furthermore the quality of the attention that is offered to the girls, children and young women.

We expect to establish recreational spaces in which we will develop appropriate conditions in order that the mothers, aunts, girls, children and young women, could share doing therapy through games and recreation, learning new forms of work with the children and strengthening the cognitive stimulation, and we are looking for some sponsorships, we trust the doors will be opened us and we will find friends interested in helping our mission.

SOS CV Valle de Angeles HondurasThe young boys continue taking part of educational activities so much in the Centres to which they are integrated, also in the labors that are realized in the Village.  At present days we have 13 young studying in several educational Centres with alternative formation or Programmes adapted to the education that they need.

In our village we have many special co-workers, but today I want to share with you about one especially and humble man who works with us since 15 years ago, refer to Mr Jose Noé, better known for "Don David", he is the typical Honduran man, who comes from a humble family in the middle of many difficulties, but with principles and very deep-rooted values, he likes to work the land and works with us as gardener, work that does with very much pleasure, and takes care of the gardens around the village as if they were his sons as he says with a lot of devotion.

After the integration of the Youth Village of San Jose with the Children Village of Valle of Angeles, the young boys from San Jose,  have joined strongly with their labors of gardening, but also of agriculture, with their effort, there have recovered two small areas of the Village that were vacated, so much it has been, they already we have harvested diverse vegetables, basic grains,  the mothers now have fresh products that before they had to be going to buy to the market, diminishing their expenses, but that the better; the young develop their physical and cognitive skills and social integration and responsibility.  Everything thanks to the initiative of "don David", who gives Occupational Therapy without knowing it, without having the vocational training to do it and who does it in a disinterested way.

On June 23rd was celebrated the International SOS Villages’ Day, the families were delighted with the idea of celebrating and sharing all together, they had sports competitions and organized games, the piñatas for the smallest, they enjoy of dancing and laughing, and of the pleasure of sharing with all their little brothers and sisters with all the families SOS.

I hope through this letter to had have transmit to you our most relevant news and we  trust and pray always that we will continue our  labor in benefit of children and young whom are getting all love and cares in this village, it is only possible with the kind support as yours.


SOS Children's Village Valle de Angeles.



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